Contest Environment
Hardware System Unit
System Unit: 16GB RAM DDR4, 1TB SSD, Intel Core i7-10700
External screen: 21.5 inch, 1920×1080, Dell E2220H LED monitor
External keyboard: standard (see bellow)
External Mouse: standard (see bellow)
Webcam: None
No hardware substitutions will be allowed (that is, teams may not bring their own equipment onto the contest floor). This includes that teams may not substitute keyboards or other peripherals; all teams will use identical equipment, as described above, during the contest.
Ubuntu 20.04
▪ Eclipse (version 2022) for Java
▪ IntelliJ (IDEA Community Edition, version 2022.3), for Java and Kotlin
▪ CLion (version 2022.3), for C/C++
▪ Pycharm Community Edition Python IDE (version 2022.3),for Python 3
▪ Code::Blocks (version 20.03-3), for C/C++
▪ VS Code(version 1.74.2) for Java, C/C++
▪ Java
▪ Javac 17.0.5
▪ C
▪ g++ 11.3.0
▪ C++
▪ g++ 11.3.0
▪ Python 3
▪ PyPy 7.3.10 with python 3.10.6
▪ Kotlin
▪ Version 1.7.21
Suport Command-line:
▪ C:
gcc -g -O2 -std=gnu11 -static ${files} -lm
▪ C++:
g++ -g -O2 -std=gnu++17 -static ${files}
▪ Java:
javac -encoding UTF-8 -sourcepath . -d . ${files}
▪ Python 3
pypy3 -m py_compile ${files}
▪ Kotlin
kotlinc -d . ${files}
compiler (judge)
▪ Java
▪ Javac 19.0.2
▪ C
▪ g++ 13
▪ C++
▪ g++ 13
▪ Python 3
▪ PyPy 7.3.12 (implementing python 3.10.12)
▪ python3 3.11.5
▪ Kotlin
▪ Version 1.9.10
More deital:
Additionally, teams are allowed to bring their own notebook consists of 25 one-side printed A4 pages.
Picture of Keyboard và Mouse and Instructions for ICPC contest
Monitor, Keyboard và Mouse

Instructions for printing